
Showing posts from July, 2024

Beautiful ride from Montauk to Deep River

BEAUTIFUL RIDE FROM MONTAUK TO DEEP RIVER July 28, 2024 We are under way at 5:30. Now that's sea glass. The channel is very narrow, it is privately marked and a little hard to see, with a sharp turn.  You really have to pay attention. Safe Harbor Montauk Yatch Club. We tried to make a reservation and got deny at the last minute.  Scott thinks that they don't want us there.  We're too little for them.  That's ok we don't want to be there either. We walked in their land yesterday and didn't feel belonging.  We were well anchored.  Empty slips. We like sunrises and quiet rides. Love this picture. The sun behind the clouds,  shining on still water afar, so beautiful.  Taking a picture of the coffee pot, also know as Orient Point Lighthouse is not an easy task. 😆  We avoided the Race by going to Montauk but now we have to cross Plum Gut.  Actually it's not too bad and is just about 5 minutes of our trip. We are at the mouth of Connecticut River at 7. So 1h.30 fr

Lake Montauk

  LAKE MONTAUK July 27, 2024 Montauk, NY Last morning in Block Island. We're heading for Montauk.  The forecast is perfect.  The harbor master, our back neighbor is gone so our way is free. A new boat arriving is telling us that it's sea glass out there. So to Montauk, NY. we go. First Scott has to load the dinghy which is a easier task when he can row it there instead of lifting and dragging.  Montauk,  here we come. The visibility is perfect. It's not sea glass but it's not too bad, considering that we are so far from the main land.  Also there was a lot of traffic.  I was looking for a red bell.  I thought all bells were red, nope. Always learning. It got significantly calmer when protected by Long Island. Here were are. We pass all the marinas and go to the anchorage area. We have an early lunch, take a nap then take the dinghy to where we see some others. We call an Uber and go to town.   We have a beer at Clam and Showder House.  We like the view upstairs and Scot