Another day at George's of Galilee Beach, June 29, 2022

 Another day at George's of Galilee Beach, June 29, 2022

For our morning walk, we turned left from Silver Spring Marina. What a beautiful neighborhood. 

Looks like an original. Poor people used to live by the water. Things changed. 

We really like Java Madness and had an egg sandwich on bagel again.  They bake the eggs, it is very good.  It is situated at the Yatch Club of Pointe Judith.  We came by dinghy this time, less scary then walking on route 1.

Uber ready, we're going to the beach.

There were stripers swimming around, feeding on minews.  There were too fast for me to take a picture. 

Today's creation,  we were two builders this time.  We got a lot of compliments. 

Once upon a time there was a sand castle, a seagull and a ferry.  Is that a cool picture of what?!

And it made people laugh and taking pictures.

That was another day in paradise.  We are having a great vacation. 


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