Coecles Harbor, Sunday 5/29/2022

 Coecles Harbor, 5/29/2022

After 16 years of boating we are still discovering new places.  This is Coecles Harbor in Shelter Island, NY.  This is beautiful, the water is green.  I took my first panoramic picture which doesn't give justice to the splendor of this seascape.

We took a dinghy ride to the beach at the entrance of the harbor. We took a walk there.  It is very rocky and shelly.  

After lunch and a nap, we went to Ram's Head Inn by dinghy.  We were told that Shelter Islanders are not welcoming so we didn't know where to land the dinghy.  We were heading the the beach between two docks when a water taxi came toward us.  We were expecting to get yelled at but the guy was very friendly and told us to tie at the Inn's dock.  His name is Graham, he sounds from Australia.   He told us stories about people fighting over the other dock and boaters getting tickets if out of the anchor area even just a little because the boat swinged around.   He directed us to the bar of the Inn.  Scott offered him to join us but he said:"I can't the owner is there".  

Scott enjoyed a Rum Punch.

I got overwhelmed by the extended beverage menu and ended up asking for a Coors lite, which I spilled half of.

We sat outside on Adirondack chairs watching the glistening water of Coecles Harbor and Gardiner Bay.  Life is good.  We've never been to such a high class place.

The water was cold but I needed the exercise.   I swam two times around the boat and practiced to get into the dinghy.  Scott didn't go in, that doesn't happen often.  We had dinner on the boat, BBQ spaghetti squash sandwiches.  


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