Galilee beach, RI, June 28, 2022

Galilee beach, RI, June 28, 2022

Days follow one other but are not the same.  When we went to bed it was pouring but what a beautiful morning it is today.  We get up early and go for a long walk,

chasing the sun rise.

Well it's up behind the clouds.

We think our friend Tim could launch his jetski here and come visit us in Block Island next week.

Here comes the sun, we wished for a short cut in the woods but there isn't. It looks that there used to be one but haven't been walked for a long time.  Nowadays children play on their phone and not in the woods like we were.  We had to go on route 1 for a little bit.

We often see wildlife in the morning.

We walk by the South County Hospital, what a beautiful neighborhood. 

We have breakfast at Java madness, our egg sandwiches on bagel were delicious.  I thought of taking a picture when I was done.  It is a little chilly so I ask a hot coffee which I regretted because it is hot inside.

We take a Uber to George's of Galilee, Scott is hesitating if he wants to go to the right to watch the boat traffic or to the left to be on the real beach.  We opt for the beach.  We walk for a while and stop in front of the beach club.  We are asked to move a few feet away because we are not members.  We don't argue and comply but we think that beaches are public property so I researched about it.  In Rhode Island the beaches are in fact public property below the seaweed line.

Scott is in heaven, in the water and watching the boats go by.

Don't take a picture of me!

Two hours of labor, using that shell as a shovel. It got a lot of attention by everyone passing by.

What a beautiful day we had.


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