Melissa and Daniella's visit, 5/30/2022

 Hamburg Cove, 5/30/2022

We left Coecles Harbor at 6:30.  We love morning rides.  It was smooth.  

We went to Hamburg Cove and had egg muffins for breakfast. 

Then we went to Deep River, dropped off the dinghy.  Scott went for a jet ski ride, he payed a visit to Deb Scott Kev and Rich at Hays Haven Marina.  I took a shower and cleaned the bathroom.   Melissa and Daniella came for a visit.  They arrived at noon.  We went to Hamburg and spent the afternoon there, drinking and chatting. 

Melissa's friend Kathleen was looking for us in their dinghy.  It took a while before they found us.  We were seeing them far around us.  They were making a big circle.  We blew our horn several times to get their attention.   They finally saw us.  We think her fiancee's name is David.  The name of their boat is Duchess, they keep it at Saybrook Point Inn Marina.

We mentioned that we were back from Coecles and they talked about meeting Graham, he drank 10 beers on their boat and slept on the deck with two others. Funny that we met him yesterday. 


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