Scarborough Beach, June 26, 2022

 Scarborough Beach, 2022

When I woke up around 7, I saw that I had a text from Scott saying that he was at the pool.  He had a chatt with the weekend care taker, Jack (who is a retired engineer).  He said that Safe Harbor marina acquired Silver Spring two years ago.  They also were interested in the one across the channel but when they learned that they have a 15 years lease contract with the town, they gave up on it.  Jack said he used to keep his boat here years ago but the lady was rude and it was not fun being here so he moved to a fresh water pond nearby.  I joined the conversation in some point and said that I thought my father in law would like this job, he said "well he can't have it".

Ray and his mom came to pick us up at the marina and we joined Ray's two sisters' families, Bonnie and Kristie at Scarborough Beach.  There were a lot of people.

We went in the water several times and walked the whole beach. We had sandwiches, string beans and carrots and peanuts for lunch.  We had a Deb's lemonade, it is slushy and made with pieces of lemon in it.  It is very good and refreshing. 

Waiting for the perfect wave.

Scott had fun like a little kid

with the little kids.

Everybody left at 2:30 because the kids were hungry, we stayed but moved to the north beach.  We were planing to take a Uber and go have dinner at George's of Galilee but Ray texted and offered to pick us up at 5:30 and go eat at George's with him and his mom.  We took a shower at the beach (75c.).

At George's we were told that there were a half an hour wait and we would get a text so we went to have a drink across the street.  For the picture we put our drinks down and were in front of a sign that reads "No alcohol allowed".  Scott got a text to come see the host, 12 minutes later. The men downed their beer, Kathy and I dared to walk in the restaurant with our drink, nobody stopped us.

A seagull dove on the deck, the lady next to us said he tried to bite her but, it causes a commotion as it was flying low at our feet between the tables.  It tried to pass through the railing but got stuck.  A gentleman freed it from there and people applauded. No picture of it, it happened too fast.

Kathy and Ray enjoyed their flounder fish and chips very much.

I loved my pan seared sea scallops with rice and asparagus.   Everything was delicious.

Scott liked his chicken sandwich with aioli.


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