
Showing posts from September, 2022

Napatree to Deep River, 9/5/2022

 NAPATREE TO DEEP RIVER, 9/5/2022 Captain Scott woke me up at 6:20, He lifted the anchor at 6:43.   Red in the morning, mariners warning.  Will we have a good one or a bad one?  It's not red, it's yellow.   Here's a new saying, the morning is yellow, the ride will be mellow 💛 😉.  We left a pretty empty place, Bye-bye Napatree. It is so calm. Flat is often a bad thing but when it comes to a boat ride it is wonderful and it's what ours was this morning. At 8 we were at the mouth of the Connecticut River.  Some pilot was practicing "landing".

Falling in love with Napatree all over again

 FALLING IN LOVE WITH NAPATREE ALL OVER AGAIN,  9/4/2022 Another walk this morning, in town.  Scott got us coffee where there was no line, I love this coach house. Cannot help to admire that ceiling. We walked by this sign many times but never read further than the first line.  Thanks to Maureen we know now that walkers are welcome.  We kept going up though to the Ocean House, the only 5 diamonds resort in Rhode Island. Beautiful building on a wonderful location. The view is probably awesome in any room. We turned around and walked to the lighthouse again.  Enjoyed our coffee and soaked up the salty air and the surrounding beauty. The beach where we like to swim, walk and relax. Panoramic view. On our dinghy ride back I watch boats.  Pink boat Love those classic boats. Our raft. Matt trying Bob's new paddle board. Scott needed some push to try it. He had trouble in the beginning but then got comfortable pretty fast. Talk about comfort.  We are sold and want one, maybe two. Our drea

Napatree, September 2022

  NAPATREE, SEPTEMBER 2022 My husband is crazy about boating and I am crazy about him so we left the house at 6 and left Deep River at 7:30, he worked all night.  I don't know how he does it.   We arrived to Napatree at 9:11.  Debbie traveled with us, Bob is there since yesterday so he has a good spot.  He is with friends. At the passage where it is so narrow that you can high five the captain going the other way, was obstructed by this grounded sailboat making it even narrower.  Didn't think it was possible. People aboard didn't seem upset, they greeted us in their bubble with a friendly "hi!" like nothing out of the ordinary was going on. We like Bob's spot. Sent a selfie with positive vibes and negative ions  to my mom at the hospital with pneumonia and a bacteria in her blood. Here she was 2 weeks ago for their 60th wedding anniversary.  Here she is today. Je t'aime maman, prends bien soin de toi!  Love you Mom, take care of yourself.  We had to go aro