Falling in love with Napatree all over again


Another walk this morning, in town.  Scott got us coffee where there was no line, I love this coach house.

Cannot help to admire that ceiling.

We walked by this sign many times but never read further than the first line.  Thanks to Maureen we know now that walkers are welcome.  We kept going up though to the Ocean House, the only 5 diamonds resort in Rhode Island. Beautiful building on a wonderful location. The view is probably awesome in any room.

We turned around and walked to the lighthouse again.  Enjoyed our coffee and soaked up the salty air and the surrounding beauty.

The beach where we like to swim, walk and relax.

Panoramic view.

On our dinghy ride back I watch boats. 

Pink boat

Love those classic boats.

Our raft.

Matt trying Bob's new paddle board.

Scott needed some push to try it. He had trouble in the beginning but then got comfortable pretty fast.

Talk about comfort.  We are sold and want one, maybe two.

Our dream boat is a tug but after hanging on Matt and Maureen's third story of their "Knot tied up", I have to admit, it is nice.

And the view is awesome. 

Everybody left and we stayed all alone.  We took a walk on the beach, all the way to the very point.

It looks that there used to be a pier there.  I know that Napatree point was separated from Sandy point in 1938 by a hurricane.  So that deconstructed rope is very old and the sea spent a lot of time making art with it.

I like drift wood.

Back on the boat we had dinner, chili for Scott, pulled chicken for me.

The sunset is shyly red and silent.  Red at night, mariner delight...  There's a little bit of red.... right?!

We don't really see on the picture but the red reflects on the houses' windows... there's definitely some red.  We should have a delightful ride home tomorrow. 


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