Napatree, September 2022


My husband is crazy about boating and I am crazy about him so we left the house at 6 and left Deep River at 7:30, he worked all night.  I don't know how he does it.  

We arrived to Napatree at 9:11.  Debbie traveled with us, Bob is there since yesterday so he has a good spot.  He is with friends.

At the passage where it is so narrow that you can high five the captain going the other way, was obstructed by this grounded sailboat making it even narrower.  Didn't think it was possible. People aboard didn't seem upset, they greeted us in their bubble with a friendly "hi!" like nothing out of the ordinary was going on.

We like Bob's spot.

Sent a selfie with positive vibes and negative ions  to my mom at the hospital with pneumonia and a bacteria in her blood.

Here she was 2 weeks ago for their 60th wedding anniversary. 

Here she is today. Je t'aime maman, prends bien soin de toi!  Love you Mom, take care of yourself. 

We had to go around a buoy and were wondering what was it.  Well it was a lobster pot or something and got picked up.  I have the feeling that is illegal. 

Everywhere we go, we are always the smaller, the irony of Grand Boat πŸ˜€. 

We went for a walk with Deb, Matt and Maureen (Bob took a nap), after Scott got himself a new pair of sunglasses.  We went up the hill and took the first private road where walkers are welcome.

Interesting fence

Taylor Swift's house

I took many pictures of this lighthouse from the beach or the boat, first time from land.

An old one, maybe the first, from 2008 I believe. 

It's hard to see on the picture but it looks like we see 2 islands but we think it is Block Island and we can't see Corn neck road.  

Deb on "Sans soucis"

The sunset show got pretty loudly horny πŸ˜€ 

Our new friends and old ones, Matt, Maureen, Bob and Debbie.


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