A pleasant ride back from Block Island to Deep River


The rising sun looks about the same then when it set yesterday night.  I see some yellow though which means the ride will be mellow πŸ˜€ 

Fishing boats are passing us left and right they cannot wait to get out there and maybe hook up a trophy.

Bye bye Block Island we don't want to leave but there's a gale warning in the forecast so bye bye!

We couldn't see that buoy on our way in last Tuesday, our ride is so much more enjoyable today.

We passed 2 huge barges.

We saw a submarine

I was so surprised when we started to see the lighthouse at the mouth of the Connecticut River. We were just west of the race, which was around 7:15.

There was a lot of debris on the river

And it was thick and brown

So calm though

So we left at 5:45 and arrived at about 9:15 so it took us 3h1/2 as opposed to 6h last Tuesday.  We idled the river because of all the debris. 


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