First full day at Wentworth by the sea

 I appreciate the grounds better today, after a good night sleep.  It's so beautiful here!

We went for breakfast at The Islander Cafe and it was delicious.   We both had a breakfast sandwich with bacon on English muffin.  Scott particularly enjoyed the aioli and me the texture of the muffin.  We will return for sure.  Then we visited the Kittery marina where we are going Wednesday. It is small but pretty.

 Back at Wentworth marina I see this coming out of a delivery truck.

Somebody lost its tail... I can just imagine the size of that tuna.

The marina is so beautiful everywhere you look.

The water is sparkling, the picture does not show it much.

After a few hesitations from the dinghy motor, here we are for a ride.

I'm not photogenic. 

That's the inlet where Scott learned how to row a boat when he was 5 years old.  He had to respect a certain limit and not go too far.

The house that was built to replace the old house where his grandparents used to live.

Some youngsters getting ready to jump off next to the sign "Do not jump".
 Well they did anyway.

Just like Scott did some years ago.

After lunch we went to Sandy Beach, walked and swim a little in 68°F water, brrrr

That's interesting how much a difference a little change of angle makes in the light of a picture.

Where's Scott?

Here he is  πŸ˜€ 

Uncle Bruce came for a visit... I forgot to take a picture.  Maybe if he came with his 1970 beetle I would have take one πŸ€” πŸ˜†.  Just kidding thank you for your visit Bruce 😊 


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