A privileged Monday in Napatree

Our usual morning walk on the beach

Our boy doesn't like the water.  He went in by himself today.  How about that!

That tree was observed by humans and dogs alike.  Look at it, it so interesting at every angle.

Scott and Immer went for a swim.

Scott went to get lunch at Olympia Tea Room and ice.  Immer was worried about him and happy to see him coming back.  See Scott in the dinghy in the background. 

Scott had bolognese pasta and I Portuguese baked haddock.  We both enjoyed our meals very much

Then we took a nap then swam around the boat, no jelly fish this year.

I practiced climbing on the dinghy from the water.  It took a few attempts but I got it.  You never know I could have to use that skills some day.

We left for Mystic at 4:40, a lot of people left earlier because most of us have to work tomorrow.  We do too but my boss allows me to be late and Scott works at night.

Bye Napatree, we don't want to leave but we have to keep working to afford these wonderful summers we have. I feel privileged that we could enjoy this day, avoid the traffic on the Connecticut River and have a calm ride tomorrow morning. 

Fisher Island Sound was in the same mood than Saturday... quite agitated. But we were only 18 minutes in it.

We arrived at Mystic River at 4:14, 44 minutes ride from Napa to Mystic River. 

The shower was soooo good after two days on the hook.


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