Bumpy ride to Napatree

 Our puggy is waiting patiently for mommy's lap.  He loves mommy and daddy but the boat...not so much.  Ha had a frenzy episode of scratching the seat when he was alone in the boat for a few minutes while we were loading the dinghy on the boat.

There you have it buddy. See boating is not so bad after all 😀 

Then it got quite bad. There was a rip currents caused by the hurricane Idalia in Florida. You can't tell on the picture but it was bumpy.  It was a little quieter so I managed to take that picture of a leaning sailboat but before and after it was like being in the race and just impossible to use my phone.

A submarine which is pretty usual around New London.

My captain is seriously handling the boat after working all night.  I don't know how he does it.  He really wants a good spot anchoring in Napatree.   We expect a crowded space on this gorgeous labor day weekend. 

Entering the Napatree passage it got nice and calm and a big boat was paving the way for us. It felt so good.

We went for a walk in town and relaxe in the park of Watch Hill, RI.

Lunch and dinner on the boat.  A tea and a book to relaxe... life is good.

A walk on the beach with Immer at sunset, is our ritual here.

Can you guess what is that?

We think it's a tree for the Connecticut River flood about a month ago.

I like the reflection of the sky in the wet sand... so pretty.

Grand Boat looks pretty in her night gown 😀. 

A thought for the passing of Jimmy Buffet.  Thanks for the music and the relaxing feeling it brings. We saw his boat in Sag Harbor in 2011.


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