From sunrise in Watch Hill to sunset in Mystic



Scott is up at 2:45

Me at 4:30

And at 4:38 we are on the move.

We think Taylor Swift's beach is a good spot to watch the sunrise.
That's her house.

That's the real show though.

Beautiful, isn't? 

I thought the public restrooms were open all night, nope.  So I had to sneak in the Ocean House. Wow! This is the most luxurious lady's room I've ever seen.  The stalls are divided by a slab of marble and the walls dressed in luxurious wallpaper and decorated with beautiful art. The towels are made of thick cotton. There's a grand piano in the lounge,  just wow! I was not comfortable enough in there to take pictures... way out of my league πŸ˜†. 

Our boat shines bright like a diamond πŸ˜€... a little one πŸ˜€. 

We have another neighbor, another Nordic 32.  We are starting to talk seriously about making our dream come true in 9 years.

Another example how distance is deceiving on the water.  This boat seems too close.

But it's not 

We are coming back from town, with coffee, latte and a baguette from Sift's. The wind picks up.  The forecast says around 5 knots... yeah right! It's more than that, we're going to Mystic. We don't want to be here when it's windy.

We are leaving at 12:20.

Somebody is in a hurry going in that choppy water.... we're not. We are tug boaters at heart and  we're going at tug boat speed.

The plan for the evening is a late dinner at Friar Tuck and staying for karaoke.

First a shower... oh! Yeah!.. that feels good!

Scott enjoys his bangers with mash potatoes but string beans would have been appreciated. 

I enjoy my Scotch egg with Cobb salad.

Karaoke... yeah right! We're too tired.

Digny ride back to the boat.

Good night!


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