Tom's visit


June 13, 2024

Scott's dad came for a visit

We went for a boat ride.  We saw an osprey plunging and catching a fish but I was not able to take a picture. 
This is a beautiful day.

Father and son

Scott meant to go to the mouth of the river then turn around but it was so calm we went circled around Ram Island.

I'm discovering a anchorage area. Scott knew about it but not me.

The water is so calm, we would have liked it yesterday as the weather person said so.  Oh! Well we'll take it today.

Back at the marina the train bridge is open so we continue to town. That's dock D.

Tom sees the bridge that he sees on the news every night.

Tom takes a nap on the boat and we go to town by dinghy and walked to the liquor store for beers and Grand Marnier.


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