Joël and Chantal in Mystic


 Joël and Chantal in Mystic

They came yesterday in Van Go and slept in the parking lot.  Chantal made us crêpes and she had apple muffins for breakfast. Yum!

Then we go for a boat ride around Ram Island with the intention of maybe anchoring and swimming.  Well we lose the power steering.  Captain Scott is able to idle back to the marina but docking is challenging.  The plan was to bow in but we end up to stern in.  Captain does a good job and first mate too 😀. 

Scott opens the hatch and sees the belt fell off.  After some research, some touching, some chatting and a phone call, so far the diagnosis is we need a new water pump. Thank you Joël and Tim for your help.

Scott arranges an appointment with SeaTow tomorrow morning.  We can enjoy the rest of our day.  Mystic is not a bad place to get stuck.  Thank God it didn't happen when we were out in Long Island Sound.

We cannot ride the grand boat so we go on the little one 😉.

"Il était un petit navire"  🎵 

Chantal reminds me an old song that I try to sing along with her.

The tide is the highest we've ever experience here.  We probably don't have to duck but we don't risk it.   Of course my brother has to measure and make sure (he is the tallest).  Ouch! That would hurt hitting that steel bridge!

We're having an asian pasta salad for lunch and crudities.  Dessert is homemade strawberry shortbread, thank you Chantal 😋. My brother and sister in law leave in middle afternoon.    I make a black bean and corn salsa for dinner.  Then we go out for karaoke.

First I ask my boss for a day off tomorrow instead of getting up at 5:30 and pay a Uber 60$ and I got it.  Thank you boss!  Ouf! I feel so much better now!

Scott puts his button down shirt on for the occasion.

There are good singers there. And they were not us.  Yep we dare to sing our favorite song "Ripple" by Grateful Dead. And we have no recording of that... thank God! 😆 

Here's another good one.

Good night!

Captain Ben is coming to rescue us tomorrow morning at 9:30.


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