Essex Island May 2024

 First weekend of the season

May 12, 2024

Our clean boat, she looks good for her age 😀. 

What's better than a lap? Two laps... pug life.

He used to be so frenzy when alone in the boat while we untie the lines.  He is pretty mellow now.

We love our slip, behind the island.

 Canadian geese are so much more approachable in the US than in Canada.  

Our second weekend 

May 26

Foggy morning

Laisser le bon temps roulé.

Our neighbor took a picture of Scott taking a picture of Immer, oh boy what a star he is 😆. His name is Harry, their dog is Lucy (a cavalier King Charles) .  We don't know the name of the lady.  They like us... well they like Immer.

Enjoying the scenery.

May 27, 2024

Tranquil morning

We want to leave before the rain.  
Well it starts to rain lightly as we leave but it stops soon after.

Who can afford a windmill as a decoration for their riverfront yard... they can. They wanted to pay tribute to the real one that used to be there, I read in a magazine.   I remember the real one.  

You cannot tell but that's a bald eagle. 


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