
Showing posts from July, 2023

A day at Essex Island with Mike Chevalier and their yatch club

  It's so hot, we just want the shade Nature is giving the show We're so grateful for our life.  What a great 2 weeks vacation we just had!

A pleasant ride back from Block Island to Deep River

  The rising sun looks about the same then when it set yesterday night.  I see some yellow though which means the ride will be mellow 😀  Fishing boats are passing us left and right they cannot wait to get out there and maybe hook up a trophy. Bye bye Block Island we don't want to leave but there's a gale warning in the forecast so bye bye! We couldn't see that buoy on our way in last Tuesday, our ride is so much more enjoyable today. We passed 2 huge barges. We saw a submarine I was so surprised when we started to see the lighthouse at the mouth of the Connecticut River. We were just west of the race, which was around 7:15. There was a lot of debris on the river And it was thick and brown So calm though So we left at 5:45 and arrived at about 9:15 so it took us 3h1/2 as opposed to 6h last Tuesday.  We idled the river because of all the debris. 

Last day in Block Island

The plan was to leave Friday then the forecast changed and we were to leave Tuesday (today) then it changed again and we're leaving tomorrow and we are enjoying this perfect day very much. The plan for today was to go to Coast Guard Beach from 10 to 2 then go to Champlin's for the weigh in of the fishing tournament.  It was just a perfect day, warm but not humid.  Kim was to come even if it was just for one day but she's very happy that we're staying today. A Canadian boat. Our beautiful neighbor is leaving. Scott changed his mind and decided to go to Sotch Beach.   He dropped Kim and I at Champlin's and we saw some tuna fishes. Pole Locked is a boat from our marina.  They won 17 000$ with the third place for the mahi category last year.  When I sent those pictures to Scott he said "Dawn I regret now but I'm having a good time boogie boarding. Go Pole locked!". That's not them anymore and it's a tuna. Beautiful fish That's a sword fish. I d

Cloudy and restful day, July 21,2023

  It is ckoudy and i !m happy to take a break from the sun.  My eyes are still sensitive. We sat at the end of the main dock and watched the boats going by and docking.  We saw a family I know (2 kids from WeeCare where I work) riding their dinghy.  We saw that yatch entering the Great Salt Pond and I was wondering if those palm trees were real. It looks like they are real but I see no soil. I have no room on my boat for decorations or any kind of gardening.  I saw a tomatoe plant once and basil a couple of times and was impressed, palm trees! Wow! The sun peaks some red at night at the mariners delight. We had a restful day and tomorrow is promising. 

Kim comes for a visit, July 24,2023

  Kim comes for a visit She came by ferry from New London, we met her at her arrival.   We walked to the boat, stopping by the liquor and the grocery store. She brought us a box of coffee from Dunkin Donuts. The cashier at the liquor store never saw one and had a lot of questions about it.  We bought black beans and tortilla chips for a salsa.  That's what we had for lunch, just like yesterday. We spent the afternoon at Scotch Beach.  We had a good day except that I got knocked down by a wave and lost my prescription glasses.  Thank God I have another pair ordered,  I hope they'll come in this week. We had a drink or 2 on the boat then walked to Champlin's, then  took a cab to Poor People Pub where we had dinner. Everyone enjoyed their meal. Then we went to Captain Nick's for a few drinks.  There was a musician on the patio  then the disco night inside at 9.   The first song was "Take a chance on me" by ABBA and all the sudden I was 13 again.  I wanted to danc

July 23, 2023. Another day in paradise.

  Another day in paradise. Fishing boats come one after another. We walked to the other side of the jetty and there were a lot of terns. They were idling high right in front of me then diving and catching fishes.  I tried to take a video but they are too fast for me. I don't remember seeing them there last year. Yes it was another day in paradise.