Kim comes for a visit, July 24,2023

 Kim comes for a visit

She came by ferry from New London, we met her at her arrival.   We walked to the boat, stopping by the liquor and the grocery store. She brought us a box of coffee from Dunkin Donuts. The cashier at the liquor store never saw one and had a lot of questions about it.  We bought black beans and tortilla chips for a salsa.  That's what we had for lunch, just like yesterday.

We spent the afternoon at Scotch Beach.  We had a good day except that I got knocked down by a wave and lost my prescription glasses.  Thank God I have another pair ordered,  I hope they'll come in this week.

We had a drink or 2 on the boat then walked to Champlin's, then took a cab to Poor People Pub where we had dinner. Everyone enjoyed their meal.

Then we went to Captain Nick's for a few drinks.  There was a musician on the patio 

then the disco night inside at 9.  

The first song was "Take a chance on me" by ABBA and all the sudden I was 13 again.  I wanted to dance but my companions didn't feel like it.  I went by myself and ended up on the stage.

Back on the boat for the night, my companions were fast sleeping and snoring and all I could hear in my head was : "I love to love" by Tina Charles, KC and the Sunshine Band, Too shy by kajagoogoo etc

By the way Bill Randall who lives on his boat at Block Island all summer, transformed his vessel in a discotheque and disguised himself in John Travolta.   I will share the video he's on, on Facebook, it is cool to see.


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