Good morning from the chilly little Narragansett bay


June 11, 2024

πŸ˜† I look like an allien πŸ˜†. 

The plan was to get up at 4:30 and walk the beach to see the sunrise.  Well we were way too comfy.

We sleep in and go at 6:30 πŸ˜€... that's sleeping in when you live with a hungry puggy.

Never seen that dinghy beach so empty. 

We're not the first ones walking Watch Hill beach.

We catch up with the foot prints πŸ˜€ and meet another nice guy.  Scott asks to take a family picture.  Evan takes the time to change the angle a couple of times. We are at the tip of Napatree.  He tries to get Immer's attention by making noise with his mouth.
Scott : "Say string bean"
He looks at Scott. 
Evan:"String bean".
Here we go

This is Watch Hill passage in the background.   
Then Evan borrows Immer for a photo shoot, he's such a star πŸ˜†.

Back on the boat, we are enjoying the egg muffins. Me with lettuce from my garden and Scott wrapped in a tortilla.

Aaahhh! Life is good, it's warmer and unwindy now so let's unwind πŸ˜€. 
I'm considering going for a swim in the afternoon.  The air temperature was 57 at 7 and 58.8 for the water.  Brrr not sure I'm brave enough.

By the way Immer is fine, the sponge didn't pass yet.

Scott : "Maybe he didn't eat it"

Me : "Half of it was in bed, next to him"

Scott : "Ok,  the jury finds him guilty "

We go to town and I buy a little dress at the hippie store (I forgot the name). I take a picture of our boat that looks like it's on the beach. Distance is so deceiving on the water.

We're not that close.

We're sharing the last burger that Scott cooked at the marina with macaroni salad for lunch.


Mmmm... don't think I'm going swimming. 
Immer retired in his quarters down below.  Scott found him half inside a pillow case.

We do go for a walk by the pond by Sandy Point. The water is so clear.

The landscape changed from last year and a good Part is a protected area.

We have a neighbor. It's a Nordic Tug 32, our dream boat.

Some of the sponge passed.  Thank God no vet visit needed.

Somebody went in. I married a brave man πŸ˜€. 

I don't get tired of this view!


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