
Showing posts from June, 2022

Another day at George's of Galilee Beach, June 29, 2022

 Another day at George's of Galilee Beach, June 29, 2022 For our morning walk, we turned left from Silver Spring Marina. What a beautiful neighborhood.  Looks like an original. Poor people used to live by the water. Things changed.  We really like Java Madness and had an egg sandwich on bagel again.  They bake the eggs, it is very good.  It is situated at the Yatch Club of Pointe Judith.  We came by dinghy this time, less scary then walking on route 1. Uber ready, we're going to the beach. There were stripers swimming around, feeding on minews.  There were too fast for me to take a picture.  Today's creation,  we were two builders this time.  We got a lot of compliments.  Once upon a time there was a sand castle, a seagull and a ferry.  Is that a cool picture of what?! And it made people laugh and taking pictures. That was another day in paradise.  We are having a great vacation. 

Galilee beach, RI, June 28, 2022

Galilee beach, RI, June 28, 2022 Days follow one other but are not the same.  When we went to bed it was pouring but what a beautiful morning it is today.  We get up early and go for a long walk, chasing the sun rise. Well it's up behind the clouds. We think our friend Tim could launch his jetski here and come visit us in Block Island next week. Here comes the sun, we wished for a short cut in the woods but there isn't. It looks that there used to be one but haven't been walked for a long time.  Nowadays children play on their phone and not in the woods like we were.  We had to go on route 1 for a little bit. We often see wildlife in the morning. We walk by the South County Hospital, what a beautiful neighborhood.  We have breakfast at Java madness, our egg sandwiches on bagel were delicious.  I thought of taking a picture when I was done.  It is a little chilly so I ask a hot coffee which I regretted because it is hot inside. We take a Uber to George's of Galilee, Scot

Rainy day, June 27, 2022

 Rainy day, June 27, 2022 We went for a short walk before the rain and saw from land the house that is on the the piece of land that Ray's grandparents used to own.  Grandma sold it in 1980 for 30 000$. What do boaters do on rainy days? Planing the next trip and replenish. We want to go to Cuttyhonk so Scott is entering the route on the GPS.  It might not happen though because the forecast keeps on changing.  We'll have to wait and see.  Ray came to pick us up at 12:30 and we went for grocery, coffee and booze.  Scott grilled some burgers and I boiled string beans in the Clubhouse and added homemade lemon salad dressing. Ray joined us for this late lunch.  He really liked the string beans.  The burgers were already prepared, the ones that Scott had been doing lately with garlic and blue cheese are better, but it hits the spot. We took a nap and munched on carrots, chips and blueberries for dinner.  The evening was quiet, we watched the rain falling outside and a little bit on t

Scarborough Beach, June 26, 2022

  Scarborough Beach, 2022 When I woke up around 7, I saw that I had a text from Scott saying that he was at the pool.  He had a chatt with the weekend care taker, Jack (who is a retired engineer).  He said that Safe Harbor marina acquired Silver Spring two years ago.  They also were interested in the one across the channel but when they learned that they have a 15 years lease contract with the town, they gave up on it.  Jack said he used to keep his boat here years ago but the lady was rude and it was not fun being here so he moved to a fresh water pond nearby.  I joined the conversation in some point and said that I thought my father in law would like this job, he said "well he can't have it". Ray and his mom came to pick us up at the marina and we joined Ray's two sisters' families, Bonnie and Kristie at Scarborough Beach.  There were a lot of people. We went in the water several times and walked the whole beach. We had sandwiches, string beans and carrots and p

First day of our 2 weeks vacation

First day of our 2 weeks vacation (June 25, 2022) We were ready to leave at 5 O'clock and Ray, our guest, was right on time but it was foggy so we went have breakfast at Hally's jo.  We left around 7:15. I don't know how many pictures we took of the Old Saybrook lighthouse. I don't get tired of it. Following the shinny sparkly road. Approaching Watch Hill.  We enjoyed a smooth ride, what a beautiful day.  We said that to each other several times. The south westerly wind was 5 to 10 knots, that means it was blowing behind us, roughly.  We fell the push of the swell a time or two. Arriving in Galilee, everyone is leaving.  We got gas at Point Judith Marina, 29 gallons, 160$ (it would have been 90$ last year). We are staying at Silver Spring Marina in Point Judith, Rhode Island which was recently bought by Safe Harbor. It is our first time here.  Ray informed us that Safe Harbor bought it, that means that we can use some of our 12 free nights included in our Safe Harbor ma

Melissa and Daniella's visit, 5/30/2022

 Hamburg Cove, 5/30/2022 We left Coecles Harbor at 6:30.  We love morning rides.  It was smooth.   We went to Hamburg Cove and had egg muffins for breakfast.  Then we went to Deep River, dropped off the dinghy.  Scott went for a jet ski ride, he payed a visit to Deb Scott Kev and Rich at Hays Haven Marina.  I took a shower and cleaned the bathroom.   Melissa and Daniella came for a visit.  They arrived at noon.  We went to Hamburg and spent the afternoon there, drinking and chatting.  Melissa's friend Kathleen was looking for us in their dinghy.  It took a while before they found us.  We were seeing them far around us.  They were making a big circle.  We blew our horn several times to get their attention.   They finally saw us.  We think her fiancee's name is David.  The name of their boat is Duchess, they keep it at Saybrook Point Inn Marina. We mentioned that we were back from Coecles and they talked about meeting Graham, he drank 10 beers on their boat and slept on the deck

Coecles Harbor, Sunday 5/29/2022

 Coecles Harbor, 5/29/2022 After 16 years of boating we are still discovering new places.  This is Coecles Harbor in Shelter Island, NY.  This is beautiful, the water is green.  I took my first panoramic picture which doesn't give justice to the splendor of this seascape. We took a dinghy ride to the beach at the entrance of the harbor. We took a walk there.  It is very rocky and shelly.   After lunch and a nap, we went to Ram's Head Inn by dinghy.  We were told that Shelter Islanders are not welcoming so we didn't know where to land the dinghy.  We were heading the the beach between two docks when a water taxi came toward us.  We were expecting to get yelled at but the guy was very friendly and told us to tie at the Inn's dock.  His name is Graham, he sounds from Australia.   He told us stories about people fighting over the other dock and boaters getting tickets if out of the anchor area even just a little because the boat swinged around.   He directed us to the bar o